Latest Episodes

May 20, 2019
14th Date: The First Date Volume 2
Hosts: C.L. Butler, Nique Crews, & Yusuf The crew continue the conversation from last week. They talk about what to do on a date....

May 13, 2019
13th Date: The First Date Vol. 1
Hosts: Nique Crews, C.L. Butler, & YusufTopic; The first Date- The Approach- The Conversation that leads to the first date- Where to go for...

May 06, 2019
12th Date: Losing Yourself
Hosts: CL Butler, Nique Crews, & Yusuf. Topic: Losing yourselfThe crew Talk about- Losing yourself in a romantic relationship- Losing yourself in your kids-...

April 29, 2019
11th date: I'm not going out with him, but I am
Hosts: C.L. Butler, Nique Crews & YusufTopic: RejectionThe crew talks about everything rejection. They answer the question Do you ask why you were rejected?...

April 22, 2019
10th Date: The Break-up
Hosts: C.L. Butler, Nique Crews, & Yusuf Topic: Break-Ups- Reasons People Break up- What Not to do After a Break-Up-How Do You Save a...

April 15, 2019
9th Date: Prayers and Pistols
Hosts: Nique Crews, C.L. Butler & Yusuf EnglishTopic: FriendsThe crew talk about friends. They answer the question, "Who Makes better friends, men or women?"...